§ 2-59. Competitive bidding.  

Latest version.
  • When purchases are made through competitive bidding, the contract shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration the quality of the articles or services proposed to be supplied, their conformity with specifications, the purpose for which required, the time of delivery, discounts, transportation costs and life-cycle costs. Bids shall be received only in accordance with specifications provided by the purchasing agent. All bids may be rejected. Each bid with the name of the bidder shall be entered of record, and each record, with the successful bid indicated, after the letting of the contract, shall be open to public inspection. When bids have been accepted, the purchasing agent, at his discretion, may require of the successful bidder a bond payable to the city, with good and sufficient surety, conditioned that he will fully, faithfully and accurately execute the terms of the contract into which he has entered. The bond shall be filed in the office of the purchasing agent.

    (Ord. of 7-28-81, § 6-24)

(Ord. of 7-28-81, § 6-24)